
Monday, June 25, 2007

Dancing :)

This week, I started Salsa 3e at the Century Ballroom. I took a little hiatus from Salsa, trying East Coast Swing and 1920s dance. The East Coast Swing was interesting, but I doubt I'll try it much more. However 1920s and 1930s dance, which just finished last week, was a different story. The memorable dances were the Charleston, The Raccoon, Peabody, Rabbit, Varsity Drag, and St. Louis Shag. The Raccoon was a funny dance, where the lead essentially bear hugs the girl while doing the Charleston. But the most amusing dance was the Varsity Drag, which looks so funny. If you want to see it, you'll have to give me a few drinks first :) Anyway, I'm glad I'm doing salsa again. I forgot how much fun it is :)